Friday, February 25, 2011

Naomi Doesn't Graduate?

The 90210 writers have really got it in for Naomi this year...and apparently, there's even more trouble ahead for her as the 90210 kiddos reach the end of their senior year.
We're hearing that while she and Teddy will be crowned prom king and queen, she might be busted for cheating and end up in summer school.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How High Does High Time Take Us?

So, we started out a little mellow. Nice to see the guys hanging out, playing pool, doing their thang. EXCEPT, that little awkward encounter with our friend Teddy here. I mean, just cuz he’s gay doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to go watch a girl’s volleyball game, right? PLEASE.
Besides, where’s the sexy little soccer player? Too bad Marco wasn’t at the Mandate. Or was he?

GOSH, Dixon and Navid’s moves probably scared him off. What is heaven’s name did they think they were doing? Are you sure Teddy’s the gay one. I’m really starting to have second doubts.

NEW FLASH GUYS: Heading to the Mandate will DEFINITELY not be helping business at Shirazi Studios 2.0
T’was quite pleasant to see Liam and Teddy have a little heart to heart (now that I think about it, probably the only one they’re ever going to have unless Liam soon turns gay too. OKAY, let’s pray that doesn’t EVER happen.)

YO! Silver/Navid, I don’t think Ade a little puppy you can just distract with a reality TV SHOW, come on (although she did used to own one, what happened to Beyonce?) I think it’s gonna take a little more to get that __________ out of the way. But The Hills meet The Kardashians, really? What has our world come to.
Yeah Navid, you totally want Ade to be just happy. Famous last words of the cheater, nothing else to be said. AND, Silver..if you thought Ade was already a pain in the rear end, wait and see now. Your life is about to become a living hell. Guess not wearing earrings didn’t dodge this damned bullet.

NAOMI, a hot guys calendar is one of the GENIUS (okay, more like RIDICULOUS) ideas you’ve come up with. But because it’s you, let’s not be amazed. HEY, if it gets the people in Africa water, s’all good. Whatever floats your boat and gets you into CU right? We all know there’s no other way to get erased off that waiting list. I mean haven’t you already tried pretending that you care about the environment (which made you wear sweats), dating the dean’s son, then finally caught cheating on him by his mom with his roommate. WHAT A DIVA. Girlfriend, you just got rejected by a nerd? I wonder how far she’s gonna go for that? Guess he really didn't go GAGA for her.

It's DEFINITELY Time for Revenge (but with the nerd? Apparently So.)

So we met Nelly this week. Nelly, MY MAN….Duuuuude, I never knew a guy could like candy corn that much. BUT, kickass music video shoot and shnazzing up at Ade. YOU GO DUDE.
I’m sure if Adrianna would’ve stolen your music too had you given her the chance to score a few moves alongside the showgirls.

Well, GO NAVID AND DIXON. Nelly for your first shoot? Life Shirazi Studios 2.0 ain’t so bad, eh? You made a GRAND total of $10. I guess everything went well except someone’s (coughcough) wannabe TV star ex-girlfriend showing up. Let’s just say….GIRL IS DESPERATE.

Although, I did LOVE the look on Ivy’s face when shooting that scene for the reality show. PRICELESS.
Yeah, you really don’t watch reality TV.

Yes, Ade, he did cheat on you. WHAT A SHOCKER. (Not that I’m encouraging this, especially not with Silver). Although, in Naomi’s wise words “I’m surprised he could even get a sidepiece “. But, remember you did the exact same thing with Teddy Montgomery? Yeah, the one that’s gay now.

Speaking of him, way to go TEDDY. I guess hitting tennis balls from the roofs does a lot more these days than just helping vent out anger and frustration. Soccer Player? Pretty good. With that number, IAN is history.

Turn the Heat Up

90210, I am surprised to say this week was actually satisfying (in a way) and made me think that my time watching it was worthwhile again. The show’s finally bringing back some intenseness.

GOOD OLD YOGA RETREATS, maybe they are for the better sometimes. [OR NOT]

LOKA SAMASTHA SUKHINO BHAVANTU. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti. Get the sloka chanting on!

90210 bringing back the whole adoption thing was pretty interesting, looks like they do kinda care what happened in season 1. I think Ade was a little less annoying and in your face this episode, don’t you think?

NAOMI, of course it was a yoga retreat you needed to realize the rich spoiled brat you are. DING! The light bulb finally went on. Yes you have lots of money and can actually donate it to a cause. Staying there for another week? Let’s see how long the spiritually actually lasts. [I hear she’s going to throw Guru Sona a party, WTF?]

OH GOD, Silver. You disgust me now, what happened to the unique girl we all used to love? Doing it right there in a see through tent with the person your cheating on right across the path? We don’t need to see it, get yourselves a proper room. Don’t try going all Naomi on this (Remember how she did it with Liam in the woods at that school retreat?) JUST UNFORGIVABLE, enough said.

LET’S FACE IT, Navid is no more the nice and sweet guy. CHEATER. What happened to your self-control? At least we can say that Silver was not in a normal state after sweating for 5 hours.

WHERE WAS TEDDY THIS WEEK? Maybe, him and Ian were also turning the heat on. Too bad none of us saw it.

LIARS? I think yes.

AND.....90210 is just getting ________ ( I don't know what adjective to put here, there's just too many).

Yo Dixon! Boy, you need to CALM THE HECK DOWN. Stop feeling all awkward around Teddy, it's not like he's in love with you.
Ivy…..yes Dixon saved your life by CPR. Just because it was mouth to mouth doesn’t mean he has feelings for you again. Go get yourself another boy. Is that where you sped off at the end of the meet? We hope so.

As for Ade, Renée…you are the worst publicist of all time. PSTD? Knowing that Ade wasn’t looking like she was gonna pull it off that well, didn’t you know that talk show hosts live to spot LIARS? LOL.

NAVID, just man up and tell the girl! Hey, she's already facing so many troubles, do you think adding one more will really make a difference?
I guess on the other side you could say....WAY TO GO DUDE! In the beginning it was hard for you to even get one girl. Now, Ade by the day and Silver by the night.

OMFG, how much more can they pull the Annie/Liam storyline…….PLEASE. They just keep going back and forth. Oh hey Liam, you decided today to realize that your stepbrother isn’t actually a jerk? (I think he is). And then, NOW….you have family. Uhhhhhh, so your stepbrother whom you barely know is family over your mom? BTW, where’d she go…I think she still lives in 90210. ENOUGH SAID.


UHHHHHM , I think I mentioned that 90210 was actually creative and unique for once after S1 by making the Ade storyline of using a dead singer's work, being blackmailed by his manager, and still becoming famous? 

GUESS WHAT, I guess I was wrong
Excuse me, but when did Adrianna Tate Duncan become Paris Hilton overnight and start carrying a dumb chihuahua and wear glasses too big for her face? COME ON, is there a limit to how much over the top this can go.

AND, Real Esate Agent LADY, we get that we all and Adrianna didn't hear any of Hollywood's most scandalous (PSSH, NOT), gossip from, we give you the credit. Would you please stop saying the same exact thing over and over again. I also recommend that you kind of get another career and professions? YEAH, that house was DEFINITELY NOT her destiny.

COME ON VICTOR, you really gonna let that BRATTY girl push you around like that? Get your blackmailing skills out! YES, Ade he doesn't believe in you, because it's not your talent from which the songs came. And she can't just cut your commission in half, whatever you say doesn't just magically happen.... where's the contract??? But thanks for the Christmas gift thought, apparently, famous people don’t get cold these days and hate non-alchoholic drinks, TOUGH LUCK. No one’s gonna get drunk and wasted, what’s the fun in that? AND YES, no one get’s your sense of humor when it comes to the good or the bad.

Got that right, this sleepover is going to be SO MUCH FUN. Don’t be silly Navid, feeling like an over cooked noodle is just part of the relaxation experience in celebrity town. PLEASE, same dress as Miley at the Grammy’s?…I’m sure even she doesn’t act as much of a celebrity brainwashed girl as you, it’s just a PARTY IN THE USA! And elves, people are so rude to them!

OKAY GIRLS, let’s not get all hyped up about Justin Beiber, he is waaay to young for you. But, whataya know….I heard he has the hots for Kim Kardashian (UGLY) and Beyonce these days.

WILL SOMEONE GET DIXON A STORYLINE????> No, hating pork, watching guys kiss, and enjoying a big celeb party doesn’t count.

ADE, you couldn't find a better name than Beyonce? Well considering you these days, it's actually not that bad.
ERIN SILVER, what is up with your hair? Stop going all Emma Watson on it, PLEASE, short hair just DOESN'T look right on people...Hence, one of them being you. Does it like magically get shorter every time we see you? HOPE YOU DIDN'T ASK SANTA FOR THAT THIS CHRISTMAS. People in Beverly Hills just don't have ugly hair!

The whole Ivy and her dad storyline could have lasted a little more than 2 minutes, right? Tell me I’m wrong. Still, WHAT A DOUCHE. Guy just wanted to work his way out of spending his HARD-EARNED (God knows what he does) money on his fake family. (P.S. I didn’t know you played the guitar, but no biggie.)
Ivy and Laurel’s scene was actually a LEGIT (Yeah I’m using Neha language here) scene for the two. It’s was a good reconciliation after their problems, I mean I don’t think I’ve ever seen breaking a piñata as a Christmas tradition, pretty CREATIVE….That’s right, we HATE prime rib, turkey dinners, and white picket fences

Best Lei'd Plans

YEAH DIXON, stop pimping out your own mother.

DebbieandRyan, come on Mathews! Get a life, she's 15 years older than you. Don't forget you have Jacque (Strap) to take care of. Bleh, that DAVID guy was plain out creeeepy. OKAY, we get dont feel any pain in your lower back, anything else interesting about you? SOME scene in the bathroom. WOAH THERE, calm down kids.

HARRY WILSON, yeah right is your stupid new girl toy home all the time answering the phone, does she work at the phone support center for a company? I THINK SO.

GO IVY! Yeah you won the Bev. Hills Surfing Invitational. BTW, I don't think I saw Teddy, Liam, Dixon surf? Where the guys at?

I feel so bad for NAVID, poor guy is exploited so badly. Silver/Navid, kinda feeling the awkwardness...Although, I guess it's not that bad. Ade and him, not really feelin the chemistry anymore. She's so ignorant and whatdotheycallit "SELF-ABSORBED". And why is the the Gum Chewer's Mom from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory her PR person? Geeez, step it up a little. Bratty little girl, she's so thankful to have "unfamous friends".

Silver+Teddy kiss= UHHM, awkward much? Teddy, I am actually very happy there is someone else. Silver, your single so is your pork-hating loveable EX, get back with him! COME ON (remember you guys got drunk together?)
And what is up with your hair? Tone it down back to normal a bit?

Naomi, you need to REALLY step up your game. It's just going more and more downhill. Really, Zach???>That dude does not even qualify to act like a surfer. Yes, have a nice life and MOVE ON, but with Oscar? I dont know. BUT PLEASE, you look hilarious with a band-aid on your nose, anybody disagree?

Don't be all inspirational, caring, and, regretful OSCAR or Get into Naomi's head. Let's just say your one in a million. (for being a UGLY British person) You did what you did. The only way your ever getting even, is if Ivy and your dad...

Someone's Tying the Knot on 90210 this Season.

It doesn't get much simpler, or intriguing, than this:

A main character on 90210 will get married this season. Who will be walking down the aisle? Read on to find out...
The bride-to-be has been identified as Ivy! Who is she marrying? When will the event take place? Michael Ausiello does not reveal those nuggets in his latest spoiler column. But this news in and of itself ought to be enough to get fans buzzing.