Wednesday, April 13, 2011

WHAT'S HOT in the Enchanted Donkey

The West Beverly kids head to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for the obligatory south-of-the-border spring break trip in the episode. While 90210 isn't making Annie and Liam exciting or giving them enough screen time (nor is Ivy’s drug problem, which is boring me), there are three goodies in the episode that you should watch out for.

What the professionals say...

(1) More of the Silver/Adrianna Feud
I think people might be divided as to whether or not they like Adrianna on the revenge warpath. Personally, I like it. I think it makes for more salacious television, and Ade doesn’t disappoint in this episode. But Silver throws herself in there too after Ade sent out the naked text of Silver at the end of the last episode in retaliation for Silver sleeping with Navid. The feud between the two continues in Mexico and includes Silver pretending to have fake sex with Navid while Adrianna is in the next room, Adrianna poisoning Silver with the local Cabo water, Silver switching out Ade’s sunscreen with moisturizer, and a chick fight (in the water). The whole storyline leads to something bigger that will probably play out over the rest of the season. I won’t tell you what happens, but let’s just say it’s going to have some fairly big ramifications for Adrianna and Silver.

(2) Naomi & Max Get Closer
I like Max more than any other new chracter that’s been introduced lately. He actually seems like the most fully-formed guest star in a long time. I like that he’s level-headed and strong enough to deal with Naomi on a daily basis, and I like the idea of the two of them in a relationship. As you can see in the trailer below, the two of them do the deed and then Naomi takes him along to Mexico. She’s still attempting to hide the relationship from her friends, but he’s surprisingly okay with it, and the two of them grow closer. While I like Adriana acting crazy, I actually kind of like that Naomi is being shockingly mature in this budding relationship. I’m curious as to whether she’ll throw caution to the wind and just tell her friends that they’re dating after all.(3) Teddy Gets More Attention
Teddy hasn’t gotten a lot of attention from the writers since his relationship with Silver ended and he revealed that he was gay, but in the April 18 episode he grows more as a character. He initially hangs on to his player persona and attempts to hook up with a former guest star, only to have his “no strings attached” policy thrown back in his face. While in Mexico, he meets up with his old boarding school roommate, who is very interested in the fact that Teddy is now gay. But the outcome of that one night stand leads to some soul searching for Teddy and some new relationship developments.

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